Monday, July 28, 2008

The endless(ly busy) summer!

Why is summer always the busiest time of the year? Come on, it is summer! The greatest 2 months for anyone ages 6-18. And for the rest of us? It is a time for vacation, beach trips, surfing (maybe not all of you here), BBQs, cold drinks and hot days. Each year I enter into summer with great aspirations and intentions to take advantage of the warm weather (and water) and engage in the previously mentioned summer activities. But it seems that each year summer flies by and stresses me out as it passes, leaving me desiring the fall when life returns to some form of normalcy.

This summer has been busier than most. I am actually looking forward to the fall and seminary starting because I will regain some form of structure and balance in my life. You know my life is turned upside down when I long to start Hebrew class. What the heck!

Recently Jen and I looked at each other and said that something has to change in our life. We are way too busy. It is becoming unhealthy for us personally, in our marriage, and with our relationship to the Lord. He did command us to take a sabbath, right?

Life should not be a constant merry go round of events and programs and work and meetings, etc... I need stillness and soul care.

We are making changes. We are disappointing people. Letting stuff go. Learning to say no. Learning to say no after we say yes. Learning not to feel guilty after we say no after originally saying yes. I want to make time for the Lord. For my wife. I want to stay at my job for years to come. I want to finish school. To do so much, to give fully, I need to take a couple steps back and just breath for a little while each week.

It feels good doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

OK you're scaring me now cause you're thinking like me and I'm going to be the BIG 50 in a couple of weeks and you shouldn't be wanting time to fly by so quickly.
You will never truly have balance and structure in your life... that is reserved for Eternity. The here and now is relentless, but you need to suck it up cause it doesn't get any less hectic and if you want to keep your smokin hot wife happy you're going to have to give her a couple (at least) of kiddos and then just wait and see how your time, money, energy, and memory disappears! I'm glad we had this tender and touching moment together.
Your inspiration,

The General

Jeff Bruecker said...


Thank you for your encouraging. Just taking the time out of your busy day to write a little note to me brings a tear to my eye.


Anonymous said...

I resonate with this sentiment. I don't have a hot wife. Or a hot girlfriend. Or a hot steamy romance novel. Or even a hot tub.

This once relevant point has degraded into a vitriolic diatribe about my lack of romantic involvement.

Back to topic. Yeah man, I feel you. It's funny how the positive stresses in life can be much greater hindrances than the negative. There's too much I want to do to get any of it done.

I suggest making a priority list.

It helped me.

I still haven't finished anything, but I'm working on it.

And saying No is not only healthy, it's fun.

Wow, that sounded like it came from an asshole (looks in mirror) yup, still got it.

Here's a quote for you

"the best things in life
aren't things"