Saturday, February 9, 2008

TV Heroin

LOST! If you haven't taken the plunge...don't. There is no reason to waste 24 hours of your life each year...

But if you are already on the journey, Jen and I are about to watch episode 2 of season 4 (I have school Thursday nights) and I am fully enthralled in this new season. Quality shows are those that gain momentum each year.

I just hope that the producers are smart enough to end it before it turns into Alias.


Phil said...

I've been watching LOST since season 1 and I am one of those tortured souls who keeps pace with the current season and has to wait a week between episodes. But I'm definitely an addict and completely agree with your Alias comment.

Srfnsnow said...

Love the blog idea and I must say that I feel ya on the turmoil that can be out there in life. I'd love to catch up with you on all that is going on and I need to fill ya in on some big changes with my life too! "Lost" isn't a show that I watch.. i guess i'm waiting for it to finish and then I'll start with the DVD sets.
Have a great day and blog away! E