Monday, July 28, 2008

The endless(ly busy) summer!

Why is summer always the busiest time of the year? Come on, it is summer! The greatest 2 months for anyone ages 6-18. And for the rest of us? It is a time for vacation, beach trips, surfing (maybe not all of you here), BBQs, cold drinks and hot days. Each year I enter into summer with great aspirations and intentions to take advantage of the warm weather (and water) and engage in the previously mentioned summer activities. But it seems that each year summer flies by and stresses me out as it passes, leaving me desiring the fall when life returns to some form of normalcy.

This summer has been busier than most. I am actually looking forward to the fall and seminary starting because I will regain some form of structure and balance in my life. You know my life is turned upside down when I long to start Hebrew class. What the heck!

Recently Jen and I looked at each other and said that something has to change in our life. We are way too busy. It is becoming unhealthy for us personally, in our marriage, and with our relationship to the Lord. He did command us to take a sabbath, right?

Life should not be a constant merry go round of events and programs and work and meetings, etc... I need stillness and soul care.

We are making changes. We are disappointing people. Letting stuff go. Learning to say no. Learning to say no after we say yes. Learning not to feel guilty after we say no after originally saying yes. I want to make time for the Lord. For my wife. I want to stay at my job for years to come. I want to finish school. To do so much, to give fully, I need to take a couple steps back and just breath for a little while each week.

It feels good doesn't it?

Monday, July 14, 2008

My name is Rembaldi...but you may call me Remi

3 weeks ago I was given the great opportunity to return to Colorado to be a part of Super Kids Sports Kamp (SKSK). This was my 5th year as a camp leader and a blessing to Jen and I to return to our roots after being gone for a year.

Super Kids is a sports camp for 8-12 year olds that takes place at Cherry Hills Community Church. 300+ children come each year to be a part of the camp. On top of that, the junior high and senior high students who are part of the ministry are the counselors for the camp. All in, there is over 500 people as a part of the camp, with adults as sports leaders, students as counselors, and kids as campers. It is by far my favorite camp and if I was give a choice to return and be a part of any event at CHCC it would definitely be SKSK.

I was asked to be a part of the program, which means that I was a part of the skits and did the teaching for the week. I wish each of you were there because there is way too much involved in the camp to write on a blog, but here is a snippet.

I was a Secret Agent named Rembaldi, but you may call me Remi. My partner was Maxwell Smart and we were on a mission to defend a secret potion that, when sprayed on a victim, makes them do homework all the time (oh no!). Camp was seriously in jeopardy because if the camp was sprayed then SKSK would be no more. Seriously I had little kids yelling at me to not give up the potion because they didn't want to do homework all the time.

There was a bad guy named Mr. X who was out to destroy camp. Along the way, the kids discovered that Maxwell Smart was really an evil double agent working alongside Mr. X. When he would come on stage they would boo him mercilessly and yell at me to not trust him. Of course I did.

Anyhow, it turns out that I get sprayed, camp is in jeapordy, but good always wins in the end doesn't it. The kids were able to snap me out of the spell with all the fun we had and were eventually able to convince Mr. X and Maxwell that camp was awesome. Redemption to all.

Don't you love happy endings.

Here is a couple pics from the week.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I have been on sabbatical

I just realized that I have not posted a blog for almost 2 months. It has been a busy 2 months (which is a bad excuse). I guess I fell off the cart and I apologize to both my faithful blog readers...sorry honey and mom.

I am going to make a more concerted effort to update my life and stuff.

But until then...I encourage all of you to check out Noise Trade. If you love music it is a must visit. Really exciting as to the future of the music industry.

I will be back real soon with an update on Super Kids Sports Kamp!!! I had a crazy week as a Secret Agent...

Here is a snippet of my time in Colorado. A little footmitten with some of the Colorado crew (who I miss greatly).